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Getting started

Here's an overview of what we need and an overview to help guide you along before we begin!

What I need to get started

Dropbox is a great online image/file sharing platform. I will set up a secure folder for the project and will share the folder with you via email. You can upload all images and files there.

Your logo

PDF, EPS or high-res JPEG or PNG if possible.

Images & pictures

Current and/or new images and pictures you’d like to use on the new site.

Page content

Page content and any updated information for the site.

Brand style guide

Brand style guide, colours and any specific design requirements.

Hosting credentials

Your hosting account login to where you purchased your URL.

The design process

Designing a website, no matter how big or small, is an extensive process that can be overwhelming. To better help you understand what to expect during the design and development, I’ve outlined my process into 3 steps:

Phase one: Layout and Design

A large and time-consuming part of designing a website is the planning and layout stage of the process. I’ll create the sitemap (Page/Menu hierarchy) of the website for approval first, then I’ll design the home page for approval.

Phase two: Development

Once the site layout and design is approved, I’ll move forward with the designing the entire site, pages and add all functionality and plugins. We’ll make sure your site looks great and functions nicely across all devices and web browsers before moving to the final step.

Phase three: Edits & Revisions

Once the site is ready for final review, you’ll be able to review each page and we can make detailed edits until the site is revised completely. We ask that you please review ALL pages to make sure all spelling, grammar, addresses and information are correct before going live.