Buy NZ Made
Buy NZ Made champions local businesses by licensing their iconic Kiwi trademark—synonymous with authenticity and quality for New Zealand-made products. They needed a modern, engaging website to showcase the benefits of their trademark and guide businesses on its correct use.
We designed a visually stunning site with a clean palette of azure, grey, and white. Line-art icons—featuring ferns, mountains, and landmarks like the Beehive—celebrate New Zealand’s culture and natural beauty. Custom icons simplify navigation and highlight product categories, adding a polished and professional touch.
The site is fully mobile-optimised, ensuring a seamless experience across all devices. By adopting responsive design techniques, we created a user-friendly platform that’s easy to access and navigate, whether on a smartphone or desktop.
The result? A complete transformation. Buy NZ Made’s new website is sleek, dynamic, and aligned with their brand identity. It’s a powerful tool that not only attracts and engages visitors but also reinforces the trust and quality behind New Zealand-made products.

Wildhouse worked closely with our provider, Rocketspark, to ensure a seamless experience.
I'm Dane from Buy NZ Made.
Brenna made building our new site an absolute delight. She was patient and diligent, with exceptional attention to detail, building us a site that had a lot of moving parts.
We are beyond satisfied with the result. Our old site was very outdated, and is now, well, savvy!
I had little knowledge of how to build a website. Big overseas platforms like Wix were unsuitable for our product. Wildhouse worked closely with our provider, Rocketspark, to ensure a seamless experience.
Dane Ambler, Executive Director, Buy NZ Made